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About Enterclimate

Our team of environmental experts has more than 10 years of experience in providing all-inclusive services related to environmental licensing and compliance. We offer customised solutions through our vast team of experts in the field of Environmental Registrations and Compliance with applicable laws, regulations and guidelines.

Consent to Operate Certificate for Healthcare Establishments

The world is slowly realizing the lethal consequences of increasing pollution primarily caused by industrial waste that they carelessly dispose of to the human health and environment, have provoked many government authorities of different countries to take steps to regulate and monitor the working of Industries and curb the waste produced by them. In this […]

Formalities involved in Setting up Plastic Recycling Plant in India

Plastic is defined as a group of materials, either naturally or synthetically made, that can be molded into any shape. Plastic is also a type of polymer that is made of many repeating units. In India, Plastic is defined as “a material that contains an important component including a high polymer ” under Plastic Waste […]

The What and How of Circular Economy in the EEE Sector

The circular economy is defined as the economic model of production and consumption, which mainly involves repairing, reusing, recycling, refurbishing, sharing and leasing the materials, thereby extending the life cycle of the product and ultimately reducing the waste products to the minimum. In the current climate where every state and authority around the globe is […]

E-Waste Auction Regulations in India: an Overview

Auctions are not just an event for sale and purchase. They can also act as an opportunity for any waste-related business that wants to take its business to the next level. How the person fares on the parameters of the auction can decide how profitable the auction will be for him. Successful people in this […]

Checklist for Consent to Establish for Water Treatment Plant

Wastewater from industries and households has to be treated before it can be discharged into the environment. A water treatment plant (WTP)generally refers to units that treat ground or stored water to specific standards where it becomes fit for human consumption. These facilities are generally operated by local municipal corporations tasked with supplying potable water […]

Scope of Food Waste Management Business in India: An Overview

Food generally refers to what we consume, but when discussing food waste management, the term ‘food’ includes food items such as uncooked, cooked, processed food, and food grains. In this regard, waste comprises food that is either perfectly fit for human consumption but still discarded as well as those food items that are discarded as […]

Steps Involved in Refurbishment Process in E-waste: An Overview

To understand the steps involved in the refurbishment process in the e-waste business, one must first have a clear idea of what refurbishment is. Refurbishment can involve one or all of the following activities, i.e.repair, upgrade, cleaning and even enhancement up to some extent. Refurbishment can be defined as bringing used e-waste up to a […]

Introduction to Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facility (TSDF) in India

Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management & Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016definesaTreatment, Storage, and Disposal Facility (TSDF) as a dedicated facility for storing, treating, and disposing hazardous waste. Despite the massive amount of hazardous waste generated, India has an acute shortage of TSDFs. Around 88 hazardous waste incinerators and 220 recycling facilities exist in the country, along with […]

Necessary Steps for Starting a Plastic Bottle Crushing Business

The plastic bottle crushing business is a lucrative segment in the plastic waste recycling sector. Anyone who works in the plastic recycling business knows the value of PET plastic and its demand in the manufacturing industry. A plastic bottle body is primarily made of PET plastic, while the bottle caps are made of some other […]

How Does the Deposit Return Scheme Work in Waste Management

A Deposit Return Scheme or DRS is a system where customers are made to pay a refundable deposit of a small value along with the product’s price, which is repaid to them when they deposit the used product to a specified collection point. It is a mode of collection that has been in practice for […]