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Benefits for Industries Adopting Rainwater Harvesting System


Benefits for Industries Adopting Rainwater Harvesting System

10 Jul, 2023
Rainwater Harvesting System

The rainwater harvesting system involves capturing, redirecting, and storing rainwater from rooftops for future use. This collected rainwater is commonly utilized for various purposes such as watering landscapes, washing, filling ornamental ponds and fountains, supplying cooling towers, and flushing toilets and urinals. Subjecting the harvested rainwater to additional filtration and disinfection can even be treated to meet drinking water standards, supplementing the municipal water supply for these facilities. In today’s context, compliance with environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria and optimizing water usage are crucial factors in the design and operation of industrial plants. Therefore, water management services in industrial settings are essential to sustainable business[1] practices and achieving ESG objectives. As a result, the significance of implementing water management techniques in industrial facilities has become increasingly important in the present day.

Process of Rainwater Harvesting System

The process of rainwater harvesting is as follows:

  1. Rainwater collection system: The system that captures rainwater from the roof surface and gutters and directs it to the storage system.
  2. Inlet filtration: A screen filter that captures large debris to prevent them from entering the storage system.
  3. Initial debris removal: A diverter that eliminates debris that was not caught by the inlet filter from the initial flow of rainwater.
  4. Storage container: Tanks made of FDA-approved food-grade polyester resin, coloured green to discourage bacterial growth, used for storing the rainwater.
  5. Overflow mechanism: A drainage spout is designed to allow excess water to overflow when the storage tank reaches capacity.
  6. Control system: A monitoring system that keeps track of the water level and filtration process.
  7. Water treatment system: A filtration and disinfection system that treats the water to meet either non-potable or potable standards.
  8. Water pump: A device that moves the water through the system to the desired location for use.
  9. Backflow prevention: A backflow preventer that ensures water cannot flow back through the system into the make-up water system under negative pressure.
  10. Flow meter: A device, often equipped with a data logger, used to measure the amount of water being produced.
  11. Power source: The system can be powered by conventional sources or alternative sources like stand-alone or grid-tied solar systems for enhanced off-grid capabilities.
  12. Water level indicator: A device that monitors and displays the water level within the storage tank.

Preferred Technology in Rainwater Harvesting

When planning a rainwater harvesting project, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • Intended use: The specific purpose for which the collected rainwater will be utilized will determine the necessary treatment equipment for the system.
  • Site selection: Choose locations with sufficient rainfall suitable for the intended application.
  • Applications: Select a site where rainwater can be used for multiple purposes, such as vehicle washing, landscape irrigation, and dust suppression.
  • Roof size: A larger roof area can capture significant amounts of precipitation, even in regions with low rainfall levels.
  • Storage capacity: Areas with infrequent rainfall may require larger storage tanks to ensure an adequate supply of water between recharge events. However, larger tanks also entail higher equipment costs.
  • Roof pitch and material: The type and pitch of the roof influence the amount of water that can be harvested. Lower-pitched roofs tend to capture more water than steeply-pitched roofs, while smoother roof textures facilitate better runoff compared to textured roofs.
  • Water rates: Locations with higher water rates make rainwater harvesting projects more economically viable, as they offer greater potential for cost savings.
  • Permits: It may be necessary to obtain approvals to set up industrial rainwater harvesting systems. It is advisable to consult with local or state government authorities. Additional information on regulations can be found on the Rainwater Harvesting Regulations Map.

Water Management Techniques in Industries

Water-intensive industries, such as the chemical, metal mining, food and beverage, paper, and textile industries, are significant in managing water supply and demand to ensure a sustainable and consistent water source for smooth business operations. Here are the various approaches to water management techniques that can effectively reduce the reliance on freshwater in these industries:

  1. Industrial unit design: Conducting feasibility studies to identify water management issues, evaluate alternative options through cost-benefit analysis, and recommend optimal solutions for efficient water management.
  2. Efficient operation: Implementing measures to minimize water wastage caused by leaks, contamination, evaporation, and other factors, fundamental to effective water management techniques in industrial sectors.
  3. Recycling and reuse: Emphasizing the importance of reducing freshwater consumption from the outset by treating and reusing water within the industrial processes. Incorporating innovative applications can facilitate water reuse and integration of alternative water sources, thus enhancing the overall efficiency of water management techniques.
  4. Community involvement: Considering corporate social responsibility, businesses can establish community water conservation projects and conduct awareness programs. Water-intensive industries can also invest in water-saving innovations within the local area, contributing to a decreased demand for water in the region.

By implementing these water management techniques of the Rainwater Harvesting System, water-intensive industries can significantly reduce their dependence on freshwater resources, promote sustainability, and ensure a more responsible approach to water usage in their operations.

Importance of Rainwater harvesting

Groundwater has long been acknowledged as a superior drinking water source compared to surface water. This is due to several factors:

  1. Lower pollution risk: Groundwater is less susceptible to pollution, particularly when it is located away from sanitation infrastructure or sources of contamination.
  2. Natural purification: As groundwater flows through layers of sand and stone, it undergoes natural purification processes, further enhancing its quality.
  3. Reduced contamination possibility: The likelihood of contamination is minimized as borewells, which access groundwater, remain closed and protected from external influences.
  4. Consistent water temperature: Groundwater maintains a desirable temperature throughout the year, regardless of the season, making it more pleasant for consumption.
  5. Increased availability in summer: During the summer months, when water sources are depleted at surface levels, groundwater, located deeper underground, offers a higher chance of water availability.

Given the scarcity of pure, unpolluted water in specific regions, groundwater is a sustainable alternative that can help alleviate water crises. It provides a reliable solution for areas facing challenges accessing clean water resources.

Advantages of Rainwater Harvesting

The advantages of the rainwater harvesting system are as follows:

  • Lower expenses.
  • Assists in lowering water bills.
  • Reduces the water demand.
  • Decreases reliance on imported water.
  • Supports conservation efforts for both water and energy.
  • Rainwater harvesting provides a readily available and renewable water source.
  • Implementing rainwater harvesting helps mitigate urban flooding.
  • Serves as a preventive measure against soil erosion.
  • Cost-effective method for conserving water.
  • Minimal labour involvement.
  • Enhances the quality and quantity of groundwater.
  • Eliminates the need for a filtration system in landscape irrigation.
  • This technology is relatively uncomplicated, easy to install, and operate.
  • Mitigates soil erosion, stormwater runoff, flooding, and pollution of surface water caused by fertilizers, pesticides, metals, and other sediments.
  • Serves as an excellent water source for landscape irrigation, free from chemicals, dissolved salts, and minerals.


Rainwater Harvesting System is a sustainable and effective method of collecting and utilizing rainwater for various purposes. It involves capturing and storing rainwater for future use rather than allowing it to run off and be wasted. Rainwater harvesting is a valuable practice with several advantages.To know more about Water Management Techniques in Industries, it is recommended to consult experts to get detailed guidance on the same.


How to design a rainwater harvesting system?

Rainwater harvesting system should be designed considering the contain – Rule for Sizing, What the Captured Water Be Used for, How Much Water Can Be Captured, the Collection Surface, and the Volume of Rainfall.

What are the design procedures for rainwater harvesting?

The design procedures for rainwater harvesting should be made by considering the following (1) conveyance, (2) storage, (3) overflow, (4) outlet, and (5) delivery.

What are the different types of rainwater harvesting systems?

Three main types of rainwater harvesting systems are direct pumped, indirect pumped, and indirect gravity.

What are the different methods of rainwater harvesting in India?

The different rainwater harvesting methods in Indiaare Storing rainwater in collection tanks, Recharging groundwater aquifers from the rooftop runoff, and Recharging groundwater aquifers with runoff from the ground area.

What are the five traditional water harvesting systems?

The five traditional water harvesting systems are qanats, khuskhaba systems, rooftop rainfall collection, contour-bench terracing, spate irrigation and cisterns.

What are the two methods of rainwater harvesting?

There are two approaches to rainwater harvesting. Firstly, the surplus water from rainfall can be directed towards wells, aiding in the recharge of underground watersources. Secondly, rainwater can be collected on rooftops and directed into storage tanks for later use.

What is rainwater harvesting in environmental studies?

Rainwater harvesting is collecting and storing rainwater that runs off from rooftops, parks, roads, open grounds, etc.

What is rainwater harvesting with an explanation?

It is a method that involves the collection and storage of rainwater for further use.

What is the main purpose of rainwater harvesting?

The primary objective of rainwater harvesting is to capture and retain rainwater, facilitating its efficient percolation into the soil. This process aids in replenishing groundwater and raising the water table level.

What is Rainwater Harvesting System?

Rainwater Harvesting System involves a straightforward method or technology to preserve rainwater. It comprises the collection, storage, conveyance, and purification of rainwater that drains from various surfaces, such as rooftops, parks, roads, and open spaces, to utilize later.

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