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Government Schemes

Government Schemes

Government Schemes
Sep 11, 2023
5 min. to read

Carbon Credit Trading S...

Despite significant advances in "clean" and 'renewable' energy technologies, India remains heavily dependent on fossil fuels. Conventional sources of power, such as coal and petroleum, release trapped....Read More

Government Schemes
Jul 28, 2023
5 min. to read

How is the “Startup I...

Startup is a term used to refer to a company which is in the first stage of its operations. Startups are young companies that have just begun to develop. Startups....Read More

Government Schemes
Jul 13, 2023
5 min. to read

Financial Assistance fo...

The demand for ethanol is increasing due to its versatility in its application and utility. As we know, ethanol can also be prepared by fermentation of molasses, which is a....Read More

Government Schemes
Jul 04, 2023
5 min. to read

How will Minerals Secur...

India has become a member of the Minerals Security Partnership (MSP), which is a group of 14 advanced nations led by the United States. By joining the MSP, India has....Read More

Government Schemes
Jun 22, 2023
5 min. to read

Eligible Products under...

The food processing industry in India comprises manufacturing businesses of various sizes, ranging from small-scale to large-scale enterprises. India possesses certain advantages, such as abundant res....Read More