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How to obtain an E-waste Recycling license in India?


How to obtain an E-waste Recycling license in India?

06 Sep, 2023
How to obtain an E-waste Recycling license in India

Before we dive into the procedure of obtaining an E-waste recycling license in India, it is important to understand why such licenses are necessary. To get an understanding, let’s start by explaining what e-waste or electronic waste is. In general terms, e-waste refers to discarded electronic products. In developing countries like India, e-waste has become a concern due to its effects on both the environment and human health. It’s important to note that e-waste contains precious and recyclable components, but at the same time, the waste also poses hazardous characteristics. The methods used for managing and treating waste in India have some limitations that must be identified and addressed. Effective waste management relies on implementing collection and disposal practices, which can only happen through increased awareness about the consequences of e-waste within society. This write-up will work as a guide to explain how one can obtain an e-waste recycling license in India.

Rules regarding E-waste management in India

The E-Waste (Management) Rules 2022 assign the responsibility of e-waste recycling management to the Central Pollution Control Board. CPCB develops guidelines for the implementation of these regulations. These guidelines include various aspects, including implementing extended producer responsibility or EPR, proper channelisation of waste for promoting circular economy, establishment of collection centres, storage, transportation, environmentally friendly dismantling and recycling procedures, refurbishment, and random testing of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) to assess compliance with RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment) standards. Therefore, for the industrial management of e-waste, four key steps are followed:

  1. Inventory Management: This involves keeping track of the stock of electronic equipment.
  2. Production Process Management: Minimising waste by improving manufacturing processes, materials, and product development procedures.
  3. Volume Reduction and Recovery: Techniques are employed to separate harmful components from non-harmful ones, thereby reducing the volume of e-waste. This is achieved through source segregation.
  4. Reuse: Recycling and repurposing of waste materials, which not only reduces waste but also contributes to environmental conservation and minimises toxic substances.

The reduction of e-waste is achieved through various means:

  • Reviewing Material Purchases and Process Control: Waste generation can be minimised by scrutinising material procurement and process control.
  • Production Process Management: Minimising waste by improving operating and maintenance processes and changing materials used in manufacturing.
  • Volume Reduction: Techniques such as waste segregation at the source help minimise the volume of e-waste.
  • Recovery and Reuse: Recycling processes transform harmful substances into reusable materials, contributing to environmental protection and energy conservation.

Who is eligible to obtain an E-waste recycling license?

By the rules and regulations set forth by the Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change (MoEFCC)[1], the following entities are eligible to obtain an E-waste recycling license in India:

  • Any Individual
  • Registered Society
  • Organisation
  • Designated Agency
  • Company
  • Association

As per these regulations, any entity engaged in activities related to handling, collecting, storing, and recycling electronic waste must acquire an electronic waste license from the State Pollution Control Board (SPCB).

What are the components of E-waste management?

Several tools are employed for effectively managing e-waste, each serving specific purposes:

  1. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA):
    • LCA is utilised for designing electronic equipment that is environmentally friendly.
    • It aids in minimising the environmental impacts associated with e-waste.
    • LCA assists in making informed decisions regarding the management of computer-related waste in India.
  2. Material Flow Analysis (MFA):
    • MFA is a tool designed to track and manage the flow of e-waste within the environment.
    • It is often employed to analyse the movement of valuable materials like gold and copper from recycling personal computers in India.
  3. Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA):
    • MCA is used to determine suitable locations for establishing e-waste recycling plants.
    • It considers various criteria to assess and select the most appropriate sites for e-waste recycling facilities.
  4. Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR):
    • Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is a policy framework aimed at ensuring that electronic component manufacturers maintain responsibility for their products even after their operational life ends.
    • This policy encourages manufacturers to take responsibility for the collection, recycling, and safe disposal of their products, thereby reducing the environmental impact of e-waste.

These tools collectively contribute to the comprehensive management and reduction of electronic waste while promoting eco-friendly practices and responsible production throughout the product life cycle.

What are the E-waste Management Practices in India?

India is a significant contributor to electronic waste production globally, ranking as the third largest electronic waste producer in the world. Annually, the country generates approximately 2 million tons of e-waste and imports large amounts of old and used EEE from other countries. Therefore, obtaining an E-waste recycling license for such a recycling business is a profitable decision both for the environment and the business. Here are some e-waste management practices in India:

  1. Landfilling:
    • Landfilling involves the excavation of trenches or pits for the burial of e-waste.
    • The e-waste is placed in these pits and covered with layers of earth.
    • While this method is commonly used, it poses environmental risks due to potentially leaching hazardous materials into the soil and groundwater.
  2. Incineration:
    • Incineration is a high-temperature combustion process in which e-waste is burned in specialised incinerator units.
    • The temperatures typically range from 900 to 10,000 degrees Celsius.
    • Incineration helps convert hazardous substances present in e-waste into less hazardous forms, but it also produces emissions that must be carefully managed to prevent air pollution.
  3. Recycling:
    • Recycling involves the dismantling and recovery of various components from electronic waste.
    • Hazardous components like printed circuit boards, plastics, CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) screens, non-ferrous metals, mobile phones, hard drives, and wires are segregated and processed for recycling.
    • This practice aims to recover valuable materials while reducing the environmental impact of e-waste.

Application Process for E-waste Recycling License in India

The process to obtain an E-waste recycling license in India involves several steps, and it can be outlined as follows:

Step 1: Registration on the Online Single Window Portal

  • Open the Online Single Window Portal provided by the Central Pollution Control Board.
  • Register on the portal using personal details and contact information.
  • Receive a password through SMS/email for login.
  • Log in to the online web portal using the provided user ID and password.

Step 2: Fill out the Common Application Form and Create a Unit

  • After logging in, complete the Common Application Form.
  • Create a unit within the portal.

Step 3: Apply for Certificate/NOC/Permission

  • Select “Apply for Certificate/NOC/Permission.”
  • Choose the unit.
  • Select the department board.
  • Choose the service “Authorisation and Registration under E-Waste.”
  • Proceed to submit the application form.

Step 4: Pay the Required Fee

  • Navigate to “Pay Your Consolidated Fee.”
  • Make the necessary fee payment.

Step 5: Application Review by Concerned Regional Office (RO)

  • After successful fee payment, the application will be sent to the concerned regional office (RO) for review.

Step 6: Inspection and Query Resolution

  • The department may conduct necessary inspections.
  • If there are any queries or objections, the department will raise them within seven days of receiving the application.
  • The applicant must respond to the questions through the Nivesh Mitra portal.

Step 7: Processing and Approval/Rejection

  • The RO will process the application and decide to approve or reject the consent.

Step 8: Download Final Certificate

  • The applicant can download the final certificate through the Nivesh Mitra portal upon approval.

Fee and Mode of Payment:

  • The fee for obtaining the E-Waste license is variable and can be paid online through the Online Consent Management & Monitoring System.

It’s important to note that the specific procedures and requirements for obtaining an E-Waste license may vary by region or state in India. Applicants should refer to the relevant regional pollution control board or authority for detailed guidance and to ensure compliance with local regulations.

Documents Required for E-waste Recycling License

Various documents and details are usually required to acquire an E-waste recycling license in India. These documents and information help demonstrate your commitment to responsible e-waste management and compliance with relevant regulations. Here is a list of the documents and details commonly needed:

  1. Address Proof.
  2. Legal documents of Manufacturer/Exporter.
  3. Certificate of Incorporation.
  4. IE Code.
  5. Directorate of Industries.
  6. Certificate by Municipal Corporations or Local Bodies.
  7. Contact Details.
  8. Copy of PAN Card.
  9. Details and Documents of the Authorized Person.
  10. Details of Products.
  11. Copy of BIS License.
  12. Details of RoHS Compliance.
  13. Details of the Recycler.
  14. Estimation of E-Waste Management.
  15. Estimated Budget for Electronic Producer Responsibility.
  16. Details of the Awareness Program.
  17. EPR Plan.
  18. Copy of Agreements.
  19. Website Content.


The generation of e-waste in India has been increasing significantly over the years. In the fiscal year 2020-2021, India processed 3.4 lakh tonnes of e-waste. According to data from the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), the generation of plastic waste per year is on the rise, increasing by 3%. Furthermore, e-waste generation has shown even higher growth, with 7.1 lakh tonnes produced in 2018-19 and 10.14 lakh tonnes in 2019-20, reflecting a 31% year-on-year increase. As a result, to simplify the process of obtaining an E-waste recycling license and ensure a hassle-free experience, it is advisable to connect with experts who possess expertise in regulations and compliance matters related to e-waste licensing. These professionals can guide organisations through the application process and help ensure compliance with all relevant laws, contributing to responsible and environmentally friendly e-waste management practices in India.


How can I get an E-waste recycling license in India?

Apply for Consent to Establish to the Pollution Control Board in your respective state or region. This step involves providing detailed information about your e-waste management facility, its location, and the measures you’ll implement to ensure environmental compliance and safety.

What is the cost of an e-waste license in India?

The annual license fee is set at Rs. 500 per license. This fee is paid when initially obtaining the e-waste management license. When renewing the e-waste management license, the renewal application fee is Rs. 300 per application.

How can I start an e-waste company in India?

Starting an e-waste management business in India involves a structured process that includes obtaining the necessary permissions and approvals from relevant authorities.

How do I get an EPR certificate?

Assessing the registration requirements, compiling the necessary documents, filing the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) application, undergoing the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) assessment, receiving the authorised letter, and ensuring post-registration compliance are crucial steps in the process of obtaining an e-waste management license in India.

What is the fee for EPR e-waste registration?

The fees are based on the annual quantity of plastic waste generated by Producers, Importers, and Brand Owners (PIBOs), and are as follows:
Waste Generated Less Than 1000 Tonnes Per Annum:
– Fee: ₹10,000
Waste Generated Between 1000-10000 Tonnes Per Annum:
– Fee: ₹20,000

What is the cost of e-waste in India?

E-waste items, which include both functional and non-functional electronic devices and components, can have varying prices depending on several factors, such as the type of item, its condition, brand, age, and market demand. Prices can range from as low as Rs 10 per kilogram to as high as Rs 2,500 per kilogram for specific e-waste materials.

How can I start an e-waste recycling company in India?

To begin, you can register your e-waste recycling business as a Micro, Small, or Medium Enterprise (MSME) through the Udyog Aadhaar portal. This registration provides various benefits, including financial incentives and access to government schemes. Contact the State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or State Pollution Control Committee (SPCC) in your respective state to seek approval to launch your e-waste recycling business.

Is e-waste recycling a profitable business in India?

Engaging in the complete e-waste management process, from collection to recycling and repurposing, can be a profitable and environmentally responsible business venture, especially in a country like India with high e-waste generation.

How do I start an e-recycling business?

Starting an E-waste recycling business involves several critical considerations, including acquiring the necessary equipment, hiring skilled employees, managing daily operations, handling public relations, and addressing financial aspects.

How long does it take to get an EPR certificate?

The timeline for obtaining an EPR Certificate in India can vary based on several factors, including the complexity of the application, the efficiency of the regulatory process, and the completeness of the submitted documents. However, it is estimated to take about 40 to 60 working days for the authorisation to be processed and the EPR Certificate to be granted.

Read our Article:How To Obtain An EPR Certificate For The Import Of E-Waste In India?

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